Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Blogosphere, I now introduce you to my guy best friend, Sean.
Sean and I go way back to 8th grade where I had just transferred to Northwest Middle School from Green Middle School. Sean had been dating one of my new friends, Sydney, at the time but I didn't know who he was. We were all walking in from recess and he was right behind me and for some reason, I turned around and said, "Who the crap are you?" Great first impression, I know, I'm really good with first impressions. Ok, so not really, but they make for great stories. Hahaha
Anyways, we've been best friends since then and ended up dating our sophomore year of high school. The picture above is us before Homecoming. Look at how young we are! Good heavens, we're getting old.
Sean and I went to our Senior Prom together as best friends :]
Picture Scavenger Hunt
Sean and I have been through a lot and we do a lot of ridiculous things. I know I can be my 100% crazy self around him and he won't judge me (usually :p). We've gone driving at 2 AM to get Taco Bell or IHOP while singing our lungs out and dancing in the car on the way. We went to Florida together with the band in 2007. (Side note: "There are no crocodiles in Florida." Thank you, Sean, I didn't know!)
If I remember correctly, we went to a high school football game after we had already graduated and it started downpouring. We broke out the umbrella and started singing (more like screaming) rain songs such as Rihanna's "Umbrella" and Gene Kelly's "Singin' in the Rain." Just one of the ridiculous moments during our times together.
Kidnapping Natalie.
We've been canoeing in the pool in his backyard and we've been on canoe trips down the Tuscarawas River. There were bike rides and zombie-movie marathons. We've been found lost walking aimlessly around Pennsylvania cornfields and played Apples To Apples with his Grandma. (Grandma: "Fuzzy Handcuffs!") And I would like to add that I was the one who convinced him to audition for the musical and Northwest Singers our senior year. :]
So here's to many more years of ridiculous moments and sitting in a nursing home later in life wacking each other with our canes, having wheelchair races, and annoying the other residents (because you know it's gonna happen).
With Love,