
Olde Canal Days 2009

Wow! This past weekend was probably one of the best in my life. The Olde Canal Days Festival. And guess who won Festival Queen?!? I DID!!

Thursday night was the Junior Queen's pageant, all the girls looked beautiful and they are all so adorable!

On Friday, was the Senior Queen's Pageant! Everyone, again, looked absolutely fantastic! We all had to have Canal Era dresses and everyone's dresses were stunning! I am so honored to be chosen to represent Canal Fulton at festivals all over Ohio. I won't let you down, Canal Fulton!
After the crowning, I went to watch Garrett at Battle of the Bands. He did great and had quite a large fan club! Some other band won (can't remember their name..). From there I walked around the festival and many little girls wanted to talk to me. They were all so cute! Their eyes and smiles lit up when I let them hold the scepter.

On Saturday we had the Grand Parade and Since it was the 40th Anniversary of the festival, the committee called all the past queens and got many of them to ride on a float! It was really cool to see how many different crown and sash styles the pageant has gone through, you could tell when a new director took over! Since the 1969 Queen had to pass on her crown and didnt get to keep it, the pageant supplied a new one for her, and guess who got to crown her!? I did! After the 'crowning' we all loaded up onto our convertables or floats, and then it started downpouring! But no worries, the parade continued on! My dress was so heavy with water when I stepped out of my car after the parade!

I spent the whole weekend at the Festival in my dress, and even rode some of the rides in it too! I almost lost my crown on one of them it was going so fast!!

Riding th Fun Slide. It's a tradition for me to do this in my canal dress- I have been for the past 3 years that I have competed!

After an excited weekend, I am EXHAUSTED. I haven't had a good nights sleep in about 2 weeks. Off to bed!

With Love,


2009 Olde Canal Days Festival Queen


So excited!

Well Olde Canal Days is coming up here quick! It's this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and its the 40th Anniversary!

I've been competing in the Queen's Pageant for three years now! My interview was last Friday, it went great! Probably the best interview I've had so far. I'm estatic for the pageant on Friday.

Thursday is the Junior Queen's Pageant and when all the contestants introduce ourselves and perform our dance number. I helped choreograph the Juniors number, it's to "You Can't Stop The Beat" from Hairspray. The Seniors number is to "R.E.S.P.E.C.T." I also have to do my jazz recital dance with my studio since they are the entertainment for the evening while the judges do the scoring.

Then on to Friday!

The senior contestants [I'm one!] are a really tight-knit group this year. We are all good friends and we get along so well!

On Saturday is the Grand Parade, I'm really excited for this year because with it being the 40th Anniversary, they are bringing back all the past Canal Days Queens! They got ahold of all of them and all of them are coming, except for 8! The 1969 Queen will be the Grand Marshall. I cant wait to meet all of them! [maybe hopefully as the 2009 Queen, which would be amazing!]

I'm also excited for my friend, Garrett. He will be performing in the First Annual Battle of The Bands contest. He entered with his band at the time [Heros Inn Error], but then the band is having difficulty so he will be doing his solo act- Garrett Gone Accoustic. I can't wait to hear him play!


365 Things To Do In 2009

365 Things to do in 2009
[[do not need to be done in order]]

[2.7.09] 1. Attend another school's dance.
[5.30.09] 2. Graduate.
[ ] 3. Spend a weekend in West Virginia.
[ ] 4. Get 6-pack abs.
[ ] 5. Have a photoshoot with Haley.
[5.9.09] 6. Eat at a Waffle House.
[8.12.09] 7. Plan a band canoe trip.
[ ] 8. Keep my room clean for one [1] month.
[6.25.09] 9. TP a house.
[ ] 10. Go horseback riding with Haley.
[ ] 11. Attend at least three [3] concerts other than Warped Tour.
[6.12.09] 12. Go on a roadtrip.
[ ] 13. Work on my Miss America platform.
[6.7.09] 14. Go swimming.
[6.11.09] 15. Try sushi.
[ ] 16. Experiment with makeup.
[ ] 17. Have a foot race in Wendy's parking lot.
[4.16.09] 18. Try skateboarding again.
[ ] 19. Oragami lesson with Matt.
[ ] 20. Smack a stranger's butt and say "Good game"
[ ] 21. Get kicked out of a store/restaurant.
[ ] 22. Pick up a guy at Warped Tour '09, literally.
[3.3.09] 23. Brush my hair one hundred [100] strokes before bed once.
[ ] 24. Throw a suprise party for someone.
[ ] 25. Walk on the Puff's Catwalk.
[ ] 26. Become good at one [1] videogame.
[2.1.09] 27. Build a snowman taller than me in the front yard.
[ ] 28. Go on a long bike ride with Sean.
[ ] 29. Sneak into a movie.
[6.2.09] 30. Ride the Millenium Force.
[ ] 31. Go to Niagra Falls.
[1.19.09] 32. Do a cartwheel in a mall.
[6.2.09] 33. Ride the Top Thrills Dragster.
[ ] 34. Go to Borders dressed as a bum asking for a very sophisticated book.
[ ] 35. Go to a movie dressed as one of the characters.
[ ] 36. Walk through a fast food's Drive-Thru.
[6.25.09] 37. Seran wrap and Post-It Note a car.
[ ] 38. Teach Sean how to do laundry.
[ ] 39. Go white-water rafting.
[ ] 40. Go around town acting as a spy humming the Mission Impossible Theme song.
[ ] 41. Don't drink soda/pop for one [1] month.
[ ] 42. Camp out in Kayla's backyard.
[ ] 43. Go one [1] entire day without saying "umm" "like" or "i dont know"
[6.25.09] 44. Put "JARZi! was here" signs around town.
[ ] 45. Read the Bible everyday for at least ninety [90] days.
[ ] 46. Run down Cherry Street screaming
[ ] 47. Write myself a letter to open on my twenty-first [21st] birthday.
[2.25.09] 48. Give something up for lent.
[ ] 49. Be a secret admirer to a random freshman.
[ ] 50. Make something out of Duck Tape.
[3.12.09] 51. Buy a new purse.
[7.10.09] 52. Receive a dozen of roses.
[ ] 53. Send someone a dozen of roses.
[ ] 54. Play an Oujai Board.
[ ] 55. Go a week without a computer.
[ ] 56. Go to King's Island.
[ ] 57. Win a scholarship.
[ ] 58. Get a library card from Northwest High School.
[ ] 59. Wear a suit to school.
[2.3.09-2.6.09] 60. Be on the morning anouncements.
[ ] 61. Request a song on the radio.
[ ] 62. Do all my French II assignments.
[ ] 63. Get a nice summer tan.
[ ] 64. Learn to make homemade ravioli.
[ ] 65. Donate to my favorite cause/charity.
[ ] 66. Do at least one hundred [100] hours of community service.
[ ] 67. Go paintballing.
[ ] 68. Dress up everyday for one [1] week.
[1.11.09] 69. Go into an Abercrombie&Fitch.
[ ] 70. Attend a college basketball game.
[ ] 71. Eat healthier.
[ ] 72. Drink Birch Beer at Olde Canal Days.
[ ] 73. Go dancing at a club.
[6.14.09] 74. Throw a dance party.
[] 75. Pass Psychology.
[ ] 76. Visit Bowling Green State University.
[ ] 77. Visit Marietta College.
[ ] 78. Save $1000.
[ ] 79. Get recycling bins for the house.
[ ] 80. Make a difference in someone's life.
[ ] 81. Go to North Carolina for Operation Christmas Child.
[ ] 82. Have more self-confidence.
[ ] 83. Get my braces removed.
[ ] 84. Write a poem.
[ ] 85. Finish Atlas Shrugged.
[ ] 86. Drink a glass of wine with Granny Bones.
[3.6.09] 87. Go in a hot tub.
[ ] 88. Go crowd-surfing at Warped Tour '09.
[ ] 89. Spend a day in silence without staying inside the house all day.
[ ] 90. Workout three [3] times a week.
[ ] 91. Spend twenty-four [24] hours in an IHOP, or attempt to at least.
[3.3.09] 92. Inspire someone.
[4.2.09] 93. Ride a limo.
[ ] 94. Attend Northwest's Homecoming dance 2009.
[ ] 95. Go to Dave&Buster's.
[ ] 96. Prank call someone.
[ ] 97. Donate my Spanish III pinata to Children's Hospital.
[ ] 98. Be elligible to attend the Honor's Banquet.
[ ] 99. Go to Slugger's and Putter's.
[ ] 100. Ride an airplane.
[4.11.09] 101. Fly a kite.
[6.24.09] 102. Make a paper boat and send it down the Tuscarawas River.
[ ] 103. Throw an 80's dress-up slumber party.
[ ] 104. Kiss someone on the cheek.
[ ] 105. Carve a pumpkin.
[ ] 106. Watch a ballet.
[6.25.09] 107. Watch a sunrise.
[ ] 108. Watch a sunset.
[ ] 109. Camp out in the backyard.
[ ] 110. Write a letter to an old friend.
[ ] 111. Make a mini-movie with friends.
[ ] 112. Go tabogganing.
[ ] 113. Make a sequal to Sam Spoons with Haley.
[ ] 114. Make homemade ice cream.
[ ] 115. Go rollerskating.
[ ] 116. Make a time capsule.
[ ] 117. Go to a haunted house.
[ ] 118. Feed ducks at a park.
[ ] 119. Get a group of friends together as a news crew and go around town interviewing random people.
[ ] 120. Ask someone on a date.
[ ] 121. Go to a museum.
[7.1.09] 122. Turn eighteen [18].
[6.24.09-6.25.09] 123. Pull an all-nighter.
[2.22.09] 124. Go to Lazer Quest.
[ ] 125. Fill a journal with inspiring quotes, pictures, lyrics, etc.
[ ] 126. Take better care of my skin.
[ ] 127. Make a painting.
[8.8.09] 128. Eat a Klondike Bar.
[ ] 129. Go to college.
[ ] 130. Go to a midnight showing of a movie.
[ ] 131. Get my license.
[ ] 132. Go to Build-A-Bear Workshop.
[1.19.09] 133. Complete the Disney Store Challenge.
[ ] 134. Get an autograph from someone famous.
[ ] 135. Drink a bottle of water or 2 glasses of water everyday.
[ ] 136. Make a snowangel.
[ ] 137. Create a recipe.
[ ] 138. Catch a fish.
[ ] 139. Do a senior prank.
[4.16.09] 140. Go in a men's restroom.
[6.24.09] 141. Go dumpster diving.
[ ] 142. Play hopskotch.
[6.16.09] 143. Start a water balloon fight.
[2.25.09] 144. Go ice skating.
[1.10.09] 145. Paint my nails each a different color.
[1.11.09] 146. Have a scavenger hunt party.
[ ] 147. Wear an all-white outfit.
[6.24.09] 148. Wear an all-black outfit.
[1.17.09] 149. Learn how to use chopsticks.
[ ] 150. Have better posture.
[ ] 151. Plant a tree.
[ ] 152. Ride a motorcycle.
[6.24.09] 153. Grafetti something.
[ ] 154. Pray aloud.
[ ] 155. Wish on a star.
[5.9.09] 156. Get a haircut.
[ ] 157. Make a new friend.
[ ] 158. Take a summer dance class.
[1.15.09] 159. Compete in a pageant other than Olde Canal Days Queen's Pageant.
[ ] 160. Jump in a pile of leaves.
[ ] 161. Catch a snowflake on my tounge.
[ ] 162. Wear an outfit including every color of the rainbow.
[ ] 163. Spell my name with mustard on Cherry Street.
[ ] 164. Jump rope while looking at a magazine at midnight.
[ ] 165. Buy a Pez.
[ ] 166. Get a new MP3 Player.
[ ] 167. Do a blind test between Coke-Cola and Pepsi.
[6.25.09] 168. Wash a car.
[ ] 169. Wear a pair of colored jeans.
[ ] 170. Watch a movie without falling asleep. :p
[4.16.09] 171. Make a cake/cookies and leave them at someone's door.
[ ] 172. Have a funeral for an old worn-out shoe.
[ ] 173. Buy a potted flower and keep it alive for at least three [3] months. [[BOUGHT ON 5.9.09]] [[lola died.]]
[5.15.09] 174. Name that flower. [[Lola!]]
[ ] 175. Vote.
[ ] 176. Lay down on grass and watch clouds.
[6.25.09] 177. Stargaze.
[ ] 178. Play frisbee.
[5.30.09] 179. Climb a tree.
[ ] 180. Become an expert on something.
[ ] 181. Have an archery lesson from Grandpa Jarvis.
[8.13.09] 182. Play Padiddle.
[ ] 183. Compete in a free hugs contest.
[ ] 184. Go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show live.
[1.27.09] 185. Tryout for a part in Northwest's musical 2009.
[4.4.09] 186. Go see a musical live.
[ ] 187. Make up a handshake.
[ ] 188. Do a walkover.
[ ] 189. Get my nails done with acylics.
[4.1.09] 190. Get a pedicure.
[6.24.09] 191. Jump in a pool with all my clothes on.
[1.1.09] 192.Watch a James Bond movie with Dylan.
[ ] 193. Go to the zoo.
[7.1.09] 194. Buy a lottery ticket.
[ ] 195. Put a couch/chair in someone's front yard and sit there til they come out.
[ ] 196. French braid someone's hair.
[ ] 197. Do a pirouette en pointe.
[ ] 198. Do a triple pirouette.
[8.13.09] 199. Roll down a hill.
[1.3.09] 200. Wear a hat.
[ ] 201. Put lights on the house for Christmas.
[ ] 202. Wear two different colored shoes in public.
[2.9.09-2.13.09] 203. Participate to my maximum everyday during Winter Formal's Spirit Week.
[2.9.09] Cowboy's/Indian's Day
[2.10.09] Hippie Day
[2.11.09] Senior Citizen Day
[2.12.09] Super Hero Day
[2.13.09] Northwest Spirit Day
[ ] 204. Buy something from Spencer's.
[1.19.09] 205. Sit in a massage chair at the mall.
[ ] 206. Wear neon orange.
[1.1.09] 207. Try to play a drumset.
[ ] 208. Put signs on people's backs. [example: hug me, kick me, etc]
[ ] 209. Jump on a trapoline without the netting without falling off.
[ ] 210. Swim in a pool of Jello.
[ ] 211. Give blood.
[ ] 212. Take a decorating/cooking/baking/floristry/jewelry class from Joann Fabrics.
[ ] 213. Stuff someone's locker with balloons.
[3.15.09] 214. Have a tea party.
[2.7.09] 215. Have a formal dinner party.
[ ] 216. Go sled riding.
[ ] 217. Take a tour of a factory.
[ ] 218. Win something out of a claw machine.
[ ] 219. Play hacky-sack.
[ ] 220. Try snowboarding.
[6.25.09] 221. Go to breakfast at 3 a.m. at Denny's.
[ ] 222. Wear a grass skirt to Giant Eagle.
[ ] 223. Teach Dylan how to twirl baton. :p
[ ] 224. Ride a hot air balloon.
[ ] 225. Buy something at a yard sale.
[ ] 226. Learn to play a song on the piano.
[6.30.09] 227. Decoupage something.
[6.24.09] 228. Participate in a Chinese Fire Drill.
[ ] 229. Land a flip on a trapoline.
[ ] 230. Become CPR Certified.
[ ] 231. Color a picture and give it to someone.
[ ] 232. Build a sandcastle.
[ ] 233. Attend the Ohio State Fair.
[ ] 234. Run through a sprinkler.
[ ] 235. Play euker without any help.
[ ] 236. Make a friendship bracelet and give it to Haley.
[ ] 237. Make and fly a paper airplane.
[ ] 238. Take a ballroom dance class [[salsa, tango, waltz, cha cha, or jive]]
[ ] 239. Learn to sew/make an article of clothing.
[ ] 240. Put Bible verses onto index cards and stick them everywhere that they will be seen.
[ ] 241. Watch every movie Audrey Hepburn is in.
[ ] 242. Do fifty [50] consecutive push-ups OR 100 sit-ups.
[ ] 243. Kiss under a mistletoe.
[ ] 244. Hold a baby.
[ ] 245. Watch all The Nightmare On Elm Street movies in one day.
[ ] 246. Tie-Dye a t-shirt.
[7.20.09] 247. Ride a farris wheel.
[ ] 248. Play Twister with ten [10] people.
[ ] 249. Play tennis at least twice a week during the summer.
[3.8.09] 250. Get a cute basket for my bike.
[ ] 251. Sell something on Ebay.
[8.13.09] 252. Learn to tie a tie.
[ ] 253. Buy Girl Scout Cookies from a Girl Scout.
[ ] 254. Complete a thousand [1000] piece puzzle and frame it.
[ ] 255. Go to a Baskin' Robbins.
[ ] 256. Go bowling in formal attire.
[ ] 257. Kiss someone at 11:11.
[ ] 258. Make fudge.
[ ] 259. Slow dance in the middle of the road.
[ ] 260. Pie someone's face.
[ ] 261. Stand in line and wait for a store to open on Black Friday.
[ ] 262. Donate a million [1,000,000] grains of rice on freerice.com
[ ] 263. Take pictures in a photobooth with Sean and Haley.
[4.2.09] 264. Attend Prom.
[ ] 265. Visit a butterfly garden.
[ ] 266. Take the twins to Twinsburg, Ohio for the Twin's Day 2009 Festival.
[6.25.09] 267. Leave a note on a random car's windshield.
[1.19.09] 268. Try Pop Rocks.
[1.19.09] 269. Go up a down escalater.
[ ] 270. Write a "One Hundred [100] Things That Make Me Smile" List.
[6.25.09] 271. Leave flowers on a grave of someone I don't know.
[ ] 272. Go bowling and score over one hundred [100] points.
[ ] 273. Enter Seventeen Magazine's Seventeen Best Dressed Girls 2009 Contest.
[ ] 274. Participate in a Relay For Life.
[ ] 275. Go hiking at Hocking Hills National Park.
[2.21.09] 276. Write a thank-you note.
[ ] 277. Make sure the family eats dinner together at a table at least once a month.
[1.3.09] January
[ ] February
[ ] March
[4.12.09] April
[5.8.09] May
[6.28.09] June
[ ] July
[ ] August
[ ] September
[ ] October

[ ] November
[ ] December
[1.6.08] 278. Make someone's day.
[4.1.09] 279. Get my eyebrows waxed.
[ ] 280. Make homemade lemonade.
[ ] 281. Sneak out.
[ ] 282. Do pullbacks in tap class correctly without using the barre.
[4.1.09] 283. Plan the perfect April Fools prank.
[ ] 284. Boogie board in a pool.
[ ] 285. Get my palm read.
[ ] 286. Make chocolate chip pancakes with Michael.
[ ] 287. Go in a mosh pit and come out alive.
[ ] 288. Finish my Senior Year scrapbook.
[1.22.09] 289. Start my own business.[[Simply Floral]]
[ ] 290. Create a website.
[ ] 291. Be the first to know something.
[4.5.09] 292. Get a new pair of white ballet flats.
[ ] 293. Go on a haunted walk through Canal Fulton.
[ ] 294. See a movie at the International Film Festival in Cleveland.
[5. .09] 295. Participate in S.W.O.R.D.
[ ] 296. Catch a lightning bug.
[ ] 297. Send Sean his annual JARZi!made ornament.
[4.2.09] 298. Blow bubbles.
[ ] 299. Read the newspaper.
[ ] 300. Go to a Clay's Park festival.
[ ] 301. Relax in a kiddie pool with an inner tube, a flower in my hair, and listening to Jimmy Buffet Music.
[1.18.09] 302. Get a membership to Curves.
[ ] 303. Buy a pair of high top Converse.
[5.18.09] 304. Run a mile.
[2.22.09] 305. Style my hair's part the opposite direction.
[8.13.09] 306. Get a picture of me and friends jumping midair.
[ ] 307. Attend the Ohio Renaissance Festival.
[ ] 308. Tour a castle.
[5.9.09] 309. Eat a slice of pie.
[ ] 310. Participate in a dance party in Kayla's living room.
[ ] 311. Have a board game tournament.
[ ] 312. Host an old fashioned ice cream social.
[ ] 313. Enjoy a rootbeer float.
[ ] 314. Get a Richard Simmons video with Kayla.
[2.27.09] 315. Apply for the FAFSA.
[ ] 316. Take a belly dance class.
[ ] 317. Go shopping in a different state.
[ ] 318. Go to Quaker Steak & Lube with Sean.
[ ] 319. Try on wedding dresses at David's Bridal with Megan.
[6.24.09] 320. Have a shaving cream fight.
[ ] 321. Grow a pumpkin.
[ ] 322. Get a stranger's number.
[1.8.09] 323. Take a hip hop class.
[ ] 324. Paint polka dots on a pair of shoes.
[5.9.09] 325. Watch Spinal Tap.
[ ] 326. Call a radio station and dedicate a song to my mother.
[ ] 327. Send all my close friends valentines.
[ ] 328. Sing in the shower at the top of my lungs.
[ ] 329. Play BINGO at a nursing home.
[ ] 330. Learn to say "I love you" in ten [10] different languages.
[ ] 331. Go carolling.
[ ] 332. Put a message in a bottle and send it down the Tuscarawas River.
[ ] 333. Skip rocks.
[ ] 334. Send a joke-of-the-week to a random person out of the phone book every week for a month annonymously.
[ ] 335. Petition for something.
[ ] 336. Dance all night.
[ ] 337. Paint my body for a sporting event.
[ ] 338. Collect something.
[8.13.09] 339. Hang a spoon from my nose.
[7.24.09] 340. Have a Christmas party in July, complete with Christmas tree and gift exchange.
[ ] 341. Slow dance on the front porch at night.
[ ] 342. Chase an ice cream truck.
[ ] 343. Go to Buffet Dynesty.
[ ] 344. Order an anchovi pizza.
[ ] 345. Watch The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy extended versions.
[4.16.09] 346. Do kareoke.
[ ] 347. Make a gingerbread house.
[1.1.09] 348. Group hug at the second minute of the new year.
[ ] 349. Inhate helium from a balloon and talk.
[ ] 350. Go through a drive-thru with an accent.
[ ] 351. Open a coconut.
[ ] 352. Get a piggy bank.

[6.24.09] 353. Buy something with all pennies.
[ ] 354. Read a bedtime story to someone.
[[[OOPS I MADE TWO 354s HAH.]]]
[ ] 354. Go snowtubbing
[ ] 355. Be a vegitarian for a week.
[ ] 356. Play golf.
[ ] 357. Run through a manual carwash being used.
[ ] 358. Play Spin-the-Bottle.
[ ] 359. Put as many people as possible into mom's P.T. Cruiser.
[ ] 360. Finish a sudoku puzzle book.
[1.11.09] 361. Serenade someone.
[ ] 362. Learn the "Cette Anee La" by Claud Francois dance.
[ ] 363. Dress emo with Sean for a day.
[ ] 364. Kiss someone at midnight on New Year's Eve 2010.
[ ] 365. Finish this list by 12:01 A.M. on January 1, 2010.

The only rule is don't be boring and look cute where ever i go.

RED = Done
GREEN= Unable to do