
The College Life

Last Friday, I started a new chapter in my life called COLLEGE!!!! And so far, I love it, even though I feel like all I do anymore is eat, walk up and down staircases, read, and eat. LOL The campus, the people, the food, the town, the dorms, the classes, it's all great. I was definitely ready to take on Ashland University. Yes, I do miss my family, friends, and Canal Fulton, but I adapt quickly and I think that is because of all the moving around to different schools and towns when I was younger.

This semester I am taking Understanding Politics, English Comp, Intro to Mass Communication, Media Tech, Through The Bible, and Accent On Success, the required freshman class. So far, I like all of them, but I'm really excited about my Media Tech class.

I plan on "going Greek" and join a sorority. Recruitment week is September 12-18th and I'm pretty excited for it! I also am going to get involved with Community Care, which is simply a large community service group and then all the students who join choose which team they will join. The teams are Hunger, Habitat for Humanity, Youth and Literacy, Crisis, Elderly, and many more. I hope to team up with Habitat and Literacy.

My 3 goals for this semester:
1. Academic- I want to make the Dean's List.
2. Social- I want to join a sorority.
3. Personal- I want to lose 5 pounds. (Nooo Freshman 15 here!)

Pictures of my half of my dorm.

With Love,
Ashliegh Jarzenski


Goodbye Canal Fulton, Hello Ashland!

Tomorrow morning, I will be making the move from one small-town to an even smaller town. I will be leaving my home in Canal Fulton, where I have grown up for the past five years, and will be moving into a dorm room at Ashland University.This evening was 'The Last Hurrah' for the summer. Many of my friends and I got together at Heritage Park to hang out for the last time before we all go off to college. .

Through all the packing up my bedroom for the big move, many emotions have come about. Excitement. Sadness. Lonliness. Fear. Happiness. But I look them in the face and say "I have waited a whole year for this, and now, I am ready. Bring. It. On."

Twiggy, Audrey, and Grace <3

Above my bed

Farewell my beloved hometown.

With Love,



A few days ago, my Aunt Tara was in town and we went on a photoshoot around Canal Fulton. It was extremely hot out, but we had fun! If anything, the heat gave us an excuse to go get some ice cream at Oser's.  Here are a few of the photos she took! Thank you, Tara! :]

And now my new headshot for pageants...

Now, I must go start packing up my room for college! That's right! I move out to Ashland University next Friday! More later.

With Love,


Miss North Coast

This past weekend, on Saturday, August 7th, I competed at the Miss North Coast Scholarship Pageant in Brunswick, Ohio. I would like to congratulate Chelsi Howman on becoming the 2011 Miss North Coast! I had a blast getting to know all of the other girls competing and I think I did okay in my interview this time. Of course, I am still working on my interview skills. I'm going to change my talent for the next pageant I do, I'm not going to tell what it is yet. :] I'm changing my talent from the "Higher Ground" jazz dance because I feel that the dance just isn't working for me, you know?

At Miss North Coast I also got to meet a few of the other local titleholders, the new Miss Crystal Lake, Shannon O'Neill, and Miss Mansfield, Heather Wells. Both of them were very nice and a pleaseure to meet and I hope to get to know them better throughout the next year/few years as I compete.

Anyways, on with the pictures.

Evening Gown

On-Stage Questions




Brunswick Old Fashioned Days Girls!
I travelled with them during my Canal Days Reign so I was very happy to see some familiar faces in the crowd! Also, Amber, the OFD 2009 Queen was a helper backstage at North Coast! 

The New Miss North Coast, Chelsi!

That's all for now, folks!

With Love,