

Change. That is the word of semester and I could not be anymore excited about some of the changes happening this semester! It's incredible how small changes can make such a huge impact. A positive outlook and taking everyday a day at a time can make all the difference.

Something different that I did this year was post my goals around the mirror in my room. Every morning, I am reminded of these goals and to push myself a little harder everyday to reach them. Some of my goals for this semester are:
-Start a savings account and save at least $500. It hit me that I'll only be in college for about 2 more years and then I'll be on my own. I should start saving up for my future - weddings, children, a house, etc.
-Lose 5 pounds
-Do 50 hours of community service...at least. I usually do roughly 75-100 hours of service every semester but this semester is very busy and I want to make sure I continue to give back to my community.
-Find an internship for next summer - I really want to find an internship abroad, in either Australia or England. I really enjoyed studying in Costa Rica and I might as well see as much of the world as possible while I'm young!
-Compete in a pageant - The last pageant I competed in was Miss North Coast 2011, more than a year ago! After taking a year off and taking time to develop myself, I feel ready to compete again.
-Start a fashion blog - yes, you read that right! I plan to start posting Outfit of the Day posts as soon as recruitment is over and I'll have time to focus on blogging and gaining some fashion journalism experience!

With Love,

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