
Summer Update

I can't believe it's July already! Summer is going by so quickly, but I'm okay with that. I'm ready for fall classes to start back up and for people to be back on Ashland University's campus. I've been living on campus this summer and it's been quite boring without all of my friends and Alpha Phi sisters!

So what have I been up to since my last post?

A few weeks ago I traveled back to Indianapolis, Indiana for Alpha Phi's Emerging Leaders Institute. I was selected by our International office to attend this program along with 150 other Alpha Phi sisters from across the United States and Canada. ELI was an incredible experience and I enjoyed getting to know sisters from other chapters while also learning about the history of women's leadership, Alpha Phi ritual, and how to lead with my values. 

Alpha Phi sisters

Shortly after arriving back home in Ohio, my hometown, Canal Fulton, had its annual Olde Canal Days Festival. As a former Olde Canal Days Festival Queen, I, of course, had to watch the Junior Queen and Queen pageants. I was very impressed with the quality of girls that competed this year and am so ecstatic for the new queen, Haley Ries, and her court. Haley is such a sweet girl and I wish her the best of luck during her reign. I'm excited to see what she does with her title.

Speaking of pageants, I will be competing at Miss Greater Cleveland/Cuyahoga County next weekend! This was my first MAO pageant last year and I'm excited to be returning this year. I'm also excited to showcase my new evening gown and talent (though I'm not a big fan of my costume, but hey, I can only afford one new thing at a time...*sigh*).

I've also decided to focus my platform on my work with Habitat For Humanity instead of volunteerism as a whole. Habitat For Humanity is such a unique organization that I truly enjoy volunteering with. I love that you aren't just donating money to a cause (though monetary donations are important!) you actually get to work hands on with the organization and really see the impact you are making on a community and a family's life. 

In preparation for interview, feel free to leave a comment asking me a question, any question!, and I'll answer it in my next post!

With Love,

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