Next month, I will be going to Hollywood to produce and direct a documentary on domestic violence on behalf of the Mary Kay Inspiring Stories program and Dreaming Tree Films. I will be partnered with a crew of 7 other women to create this documentary. Although I have never been a victim of domestic violence, I feel that this is an important issue that society often chooses to keep "hush-hush." Through the creation of this documentary, I hope to increase an awareness of domestic violence and give women the confidence they need to stand up for themselves. Even though this documentary will be focusing on how domestic violence affects women, I believe that domestic violence can affect anyone; men, women, and children. Domestic violence is not just physical violence but can also be displayed in emotional, mental, and psychological violence. I'm very excited for this opportunity to learn more about film and domestic violence in August.
Currently, I am helping the Ashland Film Group work on a documentary project that deals with another deep issue. We are filming a documentary on the World Trade Center attack's 10 year anniversary. 9.11 Remembered covers the bombings through the eyes of Ashland faculty and students and how it affected a small community, even though it happened in a city hundreds of miles away.
Make sure to check out the 9.11 Remembered trailer here.
I am so blessed to be apart of both of these programs and so excited to be learning more about my major and these issues.
With Love,